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Exhibition stamp British Guiana.



4 different stamps and 4 different dates marked 18-6-40 / 22-6-42



Overrpint Indonesia on former Dutch East Indies and marked with "Veldpost" as used by the Dutch army 1949.



1945 Jap.Occupation Java Indonesia, almost complete issue on preprinted (Jap.Occ.) postcard.



Pair of Cocoa Malaysia and postally marked by Dutch Postal Office Rotterdam Dec 1998.



All over the world there are millions and millions and more of stamps and we too do have some of them, like so many other collectors and traders.

However, we feel that we are not ordinary stamp collectors, since we are specialized.

  • Stamps, covers, postal cards and rare or special items covering almost the whole wide world and sorted by topic; we collect this selection and keep it in stock in order to use it for changing or trading with those who are interested.

  • Besides the before mentioned and for our own benefit and interest  we do collect stamps (mint, used), postal used covers, FDC's, postcards and occasionally rare picture postcards covering the following areas:

  1. The former Dutch Netherlands New Guinea + UNTEA.

  2. The former Dutch East Indies.                                                                                                               click image: images/4blokKop.gif

  3. The Japanese Occupation of the former Dutch East Indies and the Revolutionary Period Indonesia.  click image: images/JavaGO.gif

  4. The Netherlands and Nazi German Occupation of The Netherlands.                                                    click image: images/AANTEKEN.JPG



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Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our address can be found at the bottom of this page.

Are you also having your mind full of Millennium?    History repeats !!!      Some guy wrote a commemorative  "Deutsche Reichspost Germania 5"  on 31 December 1899 to his girlfriend Sophie wishing her a Happy New Year on 01 January 1900.


                 Click on thumbnail to enlarge.

Contact Information

You can reach us as stated below:
Postal address:            
Stierstraat 85,  3318 BM  Dordrecht / The Netherlands.

Electronic mail
General Information: meilai@xoom.com
Webmaster:               imexbo@wish.net

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Send mail to imexbo@wish.net with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 1999 Imexbo Stamps and covers
Last modified: januari 07, 2000